California’s Safe Speeds Toolkit: Acronyms


AAA: American Automobile Association

AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

AB: Assembly Bill

ATP: Active Transportation Program

CA: California

Caltrans: California Department of Transportation

CalSTA: California State Transportation Agency

CMSSL: California Manual for Setting Speed Limits

CRS: California Road System

CVC: California Vehicle Code

E&TS: Engineering and Traffic Survey

FHWA: Federal Highway Administration

HIN: High Injury Network

HSIP: Highway Safety Improvement Program

ITE: Institute of Transportation Engineers

MPH: miles per hour

MUTCD: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices

NACTO: National Association of City Transportation Officials

NHTSA: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

NRSS: National Roadway Safety Strategy

NTSB: National Transportation Safety Board 

SafeTREC: Safe Transportation Research and Education Center

SF: San Francisco

SFMTA: San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

SRTS: Safe Routes to Schools

SS4A: Safe Streets and Roads for All

UC ITS: University of California Institute of Transportation Studies

US: United States

ZTFTF: Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force


This Toolkit does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. This Toolkit is not intended to replace the existing Caltrans mandatory or advisory standards and is not intended to be a substitute for engineering knowledge, experience or judgment. This Toolkit promotes better access to helpful information and concepts from various agencies and organizations. UC Berkeley and Caltrans acknowledge the existence of other practices and provide this Toolkit for reference and direction for those responsible for making professional engineering or other design decisions. 

Please be aware that neither UC Berkeley nor Caltrans is the author of the external sources contained in this Toolkit and are therefore not responsible for errors or omissions that may be contained within those external sources. The references contained in this Toolkit are provided for the user’s convenience. The content or information in such references is the sole responsibility of their respective authors and/or owners.